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Modern, lightweight Dependency Injection library using type annotations.

CI Coverage Documentation

AnyDI is a modern, lightweight Dependency Injection library suitable for any synchronous or asynchronous applications with Python 3.8+, based on type annotations (PEP 484).

The key features are:

  • Type-safe: Resolves dependencies using type annotations.
  • Async Support: Compatible with both synchronous and asynchronous providers and injections.
  • Scoping: Supports singleton, transient, and request scopes.
  • Easy to Use: Designed for simplicity and minimal boilerplate.
  • Named Dependencies: Supports named dependencies using Annotated type.
  • Resource Management: Manages resources using context managers.
  • Modular: Facilitates a modular design with support for multiple modules.
  • Scanning: Automatically scans for injectable functions and classes.
  • Integrations: Provides easy integration with popular frameworks and libraries.
  • Testing: Simplifies testing by allowing provider overrides.


pip install anydi

Quick Example

from anydi import Container, dep

container = Container()

def message() -> str:
    return "Hello, world!"

def say_hello(message: str = dep()) -> None:

if __name__ == "__main__":

FastAPI Example

from fastapi import FastAPI

import anydi.ext.fastapi
from anydi import Container
from anydi.ext.fastapi import Inject

container = Container()

def message() -> str:
    return "Hello, World!"

app = FastAPI()

def say_hello(message: str = Inject()) -> dict[str, str]:
    return {"message": message}

# Install the container into the FastAPI app
anydi.ext.fastapi.install(app, container)